Nestlé collaborates with suppliers to help address climate change impact in cocoa

As part of its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050, Nestlé has launched two new projects, developed with suppliers Cargill and ETG | Beyond Beans, both aiming to reduce and remove carbon emissions from its supply chains. The five-year projects will promote agroforestry, accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture and support the reforestation of degraded lands around cocoa farming communities.

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On Its Journey To Make Clothing That Leaves No Trace, The North Face Taps the BOTTLE Consortium To Scale Biodegradable Polyester Alternative

When worn, washed, and dried, clothing sheds—dispersing tiny fibers throughout homes, soils, and waterways that can take centuries to degrade.

These fibers, often made of polyester and often too small to see, are a major—if invisible—source of microplastic pollution. By some estimates, fibers from polyester clothing account for nearly half of all microplastics in the natural environment, exacerbating a growing environmental and public health hazard.

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Fossil fuel industry unleashes on Biden for halting key natural gas projects

A large coalition of more than 30 fossil fuel industry associations is raising the alarm over an expected White House decision to delay permitting for key natural gas export facilities over their potential climate impacts.

The groups — including the American Petroleum Institute (API) and American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC) — penned a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, saying the actions would be a "major mistake," harming U.S. jobs and putting allies at risk. The letter came shortly after The New York Times reported President Biden will soon order climate impact analyses for 17 proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal projects.

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Bioenergy & Bioproducts Education Programs (BBEP)

The Bioenergy and Bioproducts Education program is a USDA NIFA funded program that provides professional development opportunities for educators in the areas of Bioenergy and Bioproducts, Sustainability, and Systems Thinking. The program utilizes a suite of hands-on teaching tools, laboratory experiments, and classroom activities to convey the curriculum topics to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and Agriculture Educators. Educators who teach grades 6 through Undergraduate level as well as Extension Educators and Pre-Service Educators are the target audience.

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