A jet engine powered by switchgrass? UGA project is looking at the biofuel possibilities

An ongoing study dedicated to identifying and accessing renewable energy source options suggested switchgrass could be a contender.

“Switchgrass is a grass that is native to the United States,” said Katrien Devos, research professor of crop and soil sciences at the University of Georgia. “It's a component of the tall grass prairies. Since the 1950s, it’s been grown as a forage for animal feed. Around the 1990s, the (U.S.) Department of Energy looked into potential grasses for bioenergy production.”

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The cooling solution

It was 2001 when a semi-unknown Luisa Ranieri, now a famous Italian actress, starred in a commercial that became a cult hit in those years and a real catchphrase, especially for those like me whose name is Antonio.
In the summer heat, dripping with sweat on her bed at home, she rejects the advances of her fiery companion by repeating "Antò, fa caldo!" (Antò, it's hot!) until the desired refreshment arrives directly from the fridge. An iced drink.

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Plastic lodged in arteries may be linked to higher risk of heart disease and death

Minuscule pieces of plastic lodged in the fatty deposits that line human arteries may be linked with higher risks for heart disease, strokes, and death, Italian researchers reported on Wednesday.

Among 304 patients who underwent procedures to clear a major artery in the neck, 58% were found to have microscopic and nanoscopic "jagged-edged" pieces of plastic in the plaque lining the blood vessel, including polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride containing chlorine, Dr. Raffaele Marfella at the University of Campania in Naples and colleagues reported.

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