Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year
It's equal to five grocery bags per every foot of coastline around the globe, says new study.
It's equal to five grocery bags per every foot of coastline around the globe, says new study.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Plant-based biofuels can play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and growing these crops in certain landscapes offers net climate benefits compared to other land use options, according to a team of international scientists.
Popular wisdom holds tall, fast-growing trees are best for biomass, but new research by two U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories reveals that is only part of the equation.
Of equal economic importance, according to scientists from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is the amount of sugars contained within the cellulosic biomass that can be converted into fuels.
The combination of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage could cost-effectively sequester hundreds of millions of metric tons per year of carbon dioxide in the United States, making it a competitive solution for carbon management, according to a new analysis by Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists.
New plant-based plastics can be chemically recycled with near-perfect efficiency
MILWAUKEE — The largest solar array in Milwaukee is up and running with more than 7,000 solar panels now being used to help the city fight against climate change.
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity, and agriculture feels its effects in profound ways.
German chemists have developed two sustainable plastic alternatives to high-density polyethylene that can be chemically recycled more easily and nearly 10 times as efficiently, thanks to “break points” engineered into their molecular structures.
Scientists have long warned the public about compound climate events when climate change drivers combine with climate disasters. One occurrence may already be happening in East Africa, a study published Wednesday found.
Researchers developing renewable plastics and exploring new processes for plastics upcycling and recycling technologies will now be able to easily baseline their efforts to current manufacturing practices to understand if their efforts will save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.