On Its Journey To Make Clothing That Leaves No Trace, The North Face Taps the BOTTLE Consortium To Scale Biodegradable Polyester Alternative

When worn, washed, and dried, clothing sheds—dispersing tiny fibers throughout homes, soils, and waterways that can take centuries to degrade.

These fibers, often made of polyester and often too small to see, are a major—if invisible—source of microplastic pollution. By some estimates, fibers from polyester clothing account for nearly half of all microplastics in the natural environment, exacerbating a growing environmental and public health hazard.

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The (In)Visible Plastic Pollution Problem

Rivers are nature’s highways, supplying nearby areas with life-sustaining water, nutrients, and biodiversity on their journeys to larger bodies of water. These days, however, they are far from pristine. A harmful substance is making its way down rivers and into oceans around the world: plastic debris.

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Getting Into the (Sea)Weeds: Exploring Algae Storage for Biofuel Conversion

Seaweed, in its many forms, serves distinct purposes. It’s a vitamin-rich snack, with many health benefits. In the water, it provides a safe habitat for sea creatures, absorbing gases and nutrients like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and phosphorous. It’s even used as an extra ingredient in ice cream, thickening it and preventing ice crystals from building up. But the phrase “too much of a good thing” applies to seaweed, too.

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