5 Examples of People Using Innovation To Help Clean Up Our Oceans:

We are always encouraged to hear ways that individuals or groups are putting their creative energy towards helping the environment. Here are 5 cools ways humans are using directing their energy to cleaning up one of our greatest gifts: The Oceans:

  1. Boyan Slat: Boyan Slat is the founder of The Ocean Cleanup, an organization that uses advanced technology to remove plastic from the ocean. Slat has developed a massive floating device that can collect plastic and other debris from the ocean surface and transport it to shore for disposal.
  2. Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski: Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski are the co-founders of Seabin, a company that has developed a floating trash bin that can collect plastic, oil, and other debris from the water surface. The Seabin is designed to be placed in marinas, harbors, and other bodies of water to help clean up plastic pollution.
  3. Fionn Ferreira: Fionn Ferreira is a young scientist who has developed a method for removing microplastics from water using a magnetic substance. Ferreira’s technique involves adding a magnetic powder to water, which attracts the microplastics and makes them easier to remove.
  4. 4Ocean: As described on their website - Cleaning the ocean is hard work for our captains and crews. Over the last couple of years, as we've continued to scale up our cleanup operations in high impact areas, it became clear that we needed to up our technology game. So we got to work building the new custom 4ocean Mobile Skimmer, which will be a powerful new tool in the fight against ocean plastic
  5. Ocean Infinity: Ocean Infinity is a company that is using cutting-edge technology to map and remove plastic from the ocean. The company has deployed a fleet of underwater robots that can locate and collect plastic from the ocean floor. The data collected by these robots is used to create detailed maps of plastic pollution in the ocean, which can be used to target cleanup efforts.

We hope this encourages you. It doesn’t take much to make a big difference. Find a group of friends, or just start imagining how you can help clean up a river, plant some trees, or even help engineer new ways of creating energy!

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