2014 Was Officially the Hottest Year on Record

"Those living in the United States probably wouldn’t have guessed it, but globally, 2014 was just confirmed the hottest year on record. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) made the announcement after reviewing 120 years of data on record. NASA and NOAA (U.S.) and the Hadley Center (U.K.) also collect global temperature data but have yet to release their analyses."

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Energy Department Announces Up to $14 Million for Applying Landscape Design to Cellulosic Bioenergy

“The Energy Department today announced up to $14 million to support landscape design approaches that maintain or enhance the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of cellulosic bioenergy through the improvement of feedstock production, logistics systems, and technology development. This supports the Department’s efforts to promote the commercialization of environmentally sustainable advanced bioenergy that reduces petroleum consumption and carbon emissions, as well as enhances national security.”

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Departments of Energy and Agriculture Announce Bioenergy Projects in 10 States

“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the selection of 10 projects that will receive funding aimed at accelerating genetic breeding programs to improve plant feedstocks for the production of biofuels, biopower, and bio-based products. The investment is part of the Obama Administration’s broader effort to diversify the nation’s energy portfolio and accelerate development of new clean energy technologies designed to decrease dependence on foreign oil, providing a more secure future for America’s energy needs and enhancing rural economies.”

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Microbes Make Fuel Directly From Biomass

"Hopes for affordable transportation fuels from biomass with a sustainable, carbon neutral route to American energy independence has been held up by the economics of the biomass conversion process. We’ve seen a lot, sugarcane and corn ethanol which works, various heating methods that remain uneconomic and vast array of organisms trying to make fuels from sunlight and an assortment of carbon sources. So far, industrial scale has only seen sugarcane and corn ethanol go to market in a big way and due to detractors is getting stuck in place from an impressive disinformation campaign."

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