Biden Seeks to Boost Farm, Construction Vehicle Electrification

The Biden administration wants to spur the electrification of the transportation sector beyond traditional cars.

The Energy Department plans Thursday to announce it will spend $96 million to reduce emissions by pushing forward the technology and charging infrastructure needed to electrify tractors, construction equipment, planes, trains, boats, and other off-road vehicles. The funding will also be focused on alternative fuels, which could further reduce emissions.

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USDA to Start Pilot Program for Bioproducts

"The USDA is accepting applications for a new pilot program supporting the development of biobased products, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Tuesday."

"Under this program, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) can award up to $10 million divided among the highest rated applications that include eligible universities and private-sector partners, according to a release from Vilsack’s office."

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Research Brief: Students’ understanding of the carbon cycle and global climate change

Global climate change is a serious problem that requires the involvement of a scientifically literate public to solve. But what does the public understand about this complex issue and its relationship to the combustion of fossil fuels?

We have been investigating this question by studying how incoming freshmen at Michigan State University make sense of standard representations of the global carbon cycle. The incoming freshmen represent the college-bound public who have high school degrees. We asked them about the carbon cycle because the carbon cycle explains the cause of global climate change – the addition of CO2 into the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels – and provides a framework for evaluating options for its mitigation.

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Biofuels vs Fossil Fuels Unit

The Biofuels vs Fossil Fuels unit has students explore the similarities and differences between fossil fuels and biofuels. In the process, students investigate the carbon-transforming processes of combustion, photosynthesis, fermentation and respiration. They apply their knowledge of these processes to the global carbon cycle to examine how use of fossil fuels and biofuels have different effects on atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and consequently global climate change. Students use their understanding of the global carbon cycle to study the claim that biofuels, such as ethanol made from plant material, can help reduce the rate of increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In addition, students examine the environmental impact of biofuels agriculture.

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Bioenergy Classroom Materials

Various classroom materials for testing and experimenting with Bioenergy including:

  • Mini Fermenter
  • Measuring Soil Microbial Activity
  • Bioprospecting for Cellulose-Degrading Microbes: Filter Paper Assay Method
  • Bioprospecting for Cellulose-Degrading Microbes: Individual Isolate Method

And more.

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