Major breakthrough in pursuit of nuclear fusion unveiled by US scientists

American researchers have achieved a major breakthrough paving the way toward nuclear fusion based energy generation, but major hurdles remain.

Nuclear fusion is an energy-generating reaction that fuses simple atomic nuclei into more complex ones, such as combining atoms of hydrogen into helium. Nuclear fusion takes place in the cores of stars when vast amounts of molecular dust collapse under gravity and create immense amounts of pressure and heat in the nascent stars' cores.

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Harnessing Solar Energy using Phototrophic Microorganisms: A Sustainable Pathway to Bioenergy, Biomaterials, and Environmental Solutions

Phototrophic microorganisms (microbial phototrophs) use light as an energy source to carry out various metabolic processes producing biomaterials and bioenergy and supporting their own growth. Among them, microalgae and cyanobacteria have been utilized extensively for bioenergy, biomaterials, and environmental applications.

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NREL projects renewable generation could approach 70% by 2035

A National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) study projects that solar and wind generation combined would approach 70% by 2035, in a lowest-cost grid.

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) incentives will drive an increased pace of renewable deployment, NREL projects, as shown by the black line at the top of the nearby image. Other lines in the image show NREL’s projections from prior years, when there were no IRA incentives.

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U.S. announces nuclear fusion energy breakthrough:

The U.S. Department of Energy announced Tuesday a monumental milestone in nuclear fusion research: a "net energy gain" was achieved for the first time in history by scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

"Simply put, this is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century," Jennifer Granholm, U.S. energy secretary, said at a press conference, adding that researchers have been working on this for decades.

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Go green: Cut your propane bill by 90%

How’d you like to eliminate your propane grain drying bill while opting for a green option at a fraction of the cost?

Mike Milligan, who farms about 4,500 acres with his father, Dave, in Michigan’s Cass City, is the first in the U.S. to install a Triple Green Products biomass heating system, and he’s put it to the test this past harvest.

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Farmers support higher-ethanol blends

Last week a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill that would make blends of ethanol up to 15% available year-round. The move was to create a federal standard for the higher use of ethanol versus letting each state make a move, which was worrisome to the petroleum industry.

Earlier the American Petroleum Industry joined ag-friendly voices to support such a member, a first for an organization that has not always been a friend of ethanol. The specter of state-by-state rules regarding ethanol blending is a potent incentive for federal action.

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